Why Was Vision Able To Lift Thor’s Hammer In Avengers: Age Of Ultron?

Avengers: Age of Ultron’ proved a huge success in the wake of its predecessor, ‘Avengers Assemble’ – taking a combine total of almost $3 billion.

In arguably ‘Age of Ultron’s’ most amusing scene, the Avengers gather at Stark HQ and, after a few drinks, decide to take turns to see who can lift Mjölnir, Thor’s hammer.

Sounds easy enough, especially when you’ve got the likes of Steve Rodgers’ super-strength and Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit. But think again, because no one can lift Thor’s hammer.. unless they’re deemed ‘worthy’, that is.

This, in turn, leads to the film’s other laugh-out-loud moment: the point where Vision casually picks up and hands the hammer to an amazed Thor. Everyone else is a bit stunned, too.

But how is this possible?

There have been a number of occasions where other characters in the Marvel Universe have lifted the seemingly immovable object – including Captain America. Twice – but in the movie world there’s no one who can.

Until now, that is.

The strongest, most logical theory why Vision can lift it with relative easy is due to the fact he is created with an Infinity Stone – the one found within the gem of Loki’s scepter.

As we know, any of the six Infinity Stones are extremely powerful, and arguably more powerful than the enchantment that Odin, Thor’s father, put on the hammer.

Considering Infinity Stones are, when gathered together, powerful enough to rule the entire universe, it’s conceivable that this could be the source of Vision’s power.

We must also remember Thor creates Vision. When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are unable to do so when the electricity is turned off, it’s left to Thor to conjure the electrical energy via the power of his hammer.

Thor essentially 'gives birth’ to Vision, which means there’s part of him – or more specifically part of Mjölnir – in Vision, which gives him the ability.

One other reason could be that, because Vision is ‘born’ as a non-human, thus lacking in any of humanity’s flaws (greed, anger, or wickedness), he is actually ‘worthy’ to wield the hammer. Simple when you think about it.

Whether it’s just one of these reasons (or two, or in fact all three), any combo of the above legitimately explanations why Vision’s able to pick up (and potentially use) the hammer.

We must bear in mind that Marvel haven’t confirmed the actual reasons why Vision can do this, but hopefully we’ll get answers in ‘Infinity War’.


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