Everything you missed on Thor: Ragnarok new trailer

Like with every release of a Marvel trailer, Mr. Sunday Movies on Youtube has gone to dissect and spot every Easter Egg and reference, and SDCC’s new Thor: Ragnarok trailer is no exception. Check out all the things you missed.

Besides the information that was revealed in the trailer, Mr. Sunday also goes as far to give us some behind-the-scenes info on the film. For one, it was revealed that the Hulk has actually not morphed back into Bruce Banner in the span of two years, that’s why he was able to start conversing in sentences in the movie.

It’s also been revealed that Bruce Banner’s persona is starting to completely split from the Hulk, that’s why when he reverts back, he has no memory of anything ever happening. I guess with the arena, the Hulk can just go all out without any of the consequences.

The trailer also gives us a short look at Korg, who will be played by director Taika Waititi. Korg was actually pretty instrumental in thePlanet Hulk comic, and we got to see Thor smash up one of his kind in Thor: The Dark World. I think it’s also pretty cool that Taika Waititi chose to make Korg his trademark cameo, but I was secretly hoping he makes an appearance as himself. He’s just so lovably kooky.

Knowing how these things go, we may expect one last Thor: Ragnarok trailer to come out as the release date draws nearer.


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