All Dead Villains Will Return in Avengers: Infinity War

At least for me, and I’m sure that most everyone will agree, the MCU has a villain problem. They’re generally too meh and then they’re killed off at the end of the film. After seeing the Iron Monger, Whiplash, Killian, The Red Skull, Maleketh, Kurse, Ronan, Baron Von Strucker, Ultron, Darren Cross, Crossbones and Kaecillus bite the big one, it’s a damn shame that they don’t get a second chance to do some damage to the heroes. Or will they? What if Marvel has a plan to bring them all back?

The biggest feature of the Infinity Gauntlet is that it can be used to rewrite reality itself. So the theory suggests that once Thanos has all of them, he’s going to change reality so that all the Avengers and Guardian’s worst nightmares come true and their enemies and villains will be resurrected. Can you imagine the absolute shitstorm that would happen if you had all the best villains from the MCU working together? I’d buy a ticket to see that. Why else haven’t we seen the Red Skull since The First Avenger? Maybe there’s a bigger plan in place.


  1. The Red Skull is not dead.
    It's still not confirmed but he's probably coming back.


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