Why is Thor the only worthly Avenger? (VIDEO)
Thor is considered worthy by Mjolnir but you can't figure out why he would be more worthy since he seems surprisingly lacking in the general parlance of what we determine a"god" should look like. He lacks any sense of benevolence, omnipotence, or even omniscience
To be fair, most of the Avengers are sterling individuals. They have proven, time and time again, willing to put their lives on the line for the Greater Good. Protecting the weak, righting wrongs, fighting against the forces of evil which includes the likes of Hydra, the forces of Utgard, the alien Chitauri and even truly monstrous foes like the Mad Titan, Thanos.

But that isn't what Mjolnir is judging. Because at least until recently Mjolnir ISN'T judging. (We'll come back to that in a minute.)
Remember the spell he casts upon Mjolnir, through the force of his will?
“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”
The spell which allows Thor to utilize Mjolnir based upon his "worthiness" is created, directed and controlled by the magic of the All-Father of Asgard.
It is HIS judgment Mjolnir is reflecting. So if we want to understand why Mjolnir can't be moved by anyone who isn't Thor, we have to ask what Odin thinks is important in a person who potentially could wield Mjolnir.
Odin needs a personification of the God of War, a God of the Storm, a God of Destruction.
However, let's have a look what other Avengers think about this.
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