A New Look At Anthony Hopkins On The Set Of Thor: Ragnarok

Earlier leaks from the set of Thor: Ragnarokhad us looking at a “Homeless” Odin who looks to have lost his memory and is wandering around Earth. Director Taika Waititi has just shared a new photo of Hopkins on set, and it has him fooling around with Hemsworth and Waititi himself.

It’s curious is this is actually Anthony Hopkins in costume or just the actor looking normal on set because the first images that leaked of Hopkins didn’t have him sporting a different-looking beard (no moustache). It’s possible that if he gets all his powers back, his beard could come back in full, but there is also the possibility that the first leaked images of Hopkins didn’t have his make-up completed and the beard was applied afterwards.

By the end of Thor: The Dark World, the location of Odin was basically a mystery because it was revealed that it was Loki masquerading as Odin in the end. Thanks toDoctor Strange, however, we do know that Thor is on a mission to get Odin back to Asgard, and it’s possible that Odin is lost here on Earth.

We don’t know to what capacity Odin will be in the movie, but I’m guessing Thor finds him in the beginning of the film before he gets banished to the Grandmaster’s planet, then Odin will come back full power sometime in the third act. It’s just a theory.


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