Where has Pepper Potts been since “Iron Man 3?” It’s been four years and eight films since her last appearance in the MCU with her absence always being explained away by Tony as “she’s busy.” We’re led to believe that they’ve broken up and Tony is just too embarrassed to admit it to his friends, but since when is Tony Stark embarrassed about anything? At the end of Tony’s opening speech in “Captain America: Civil War,” his teleprompter reads: “Now I would like to introduce the head of the foundation: Pepper Potts,” and Tony’s face looks like he’s on the verge of tears.

His assistant says that she canceled, but that doesn’t explain the look on Tony’s face. The theory is that Pepper died as a result of the Extremis experiment and Tony has been keeping up appearances, even scheduling and canceling appointments to hide her death from the world. It would give a better explanation as to why he went back to being Iron Man after swearing off the suits at the end of “Iron Man 3” than that he was just addicted to the fight. He needed the distraction.

However, this was just a theory made by the fans before SpiderMan: Homecoming
,  where she appeared! So, let's wait for the next crazy theory about Marvel.


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