Director Joe Russo on When Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Will Be Released

The Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War footage has already been revealed at D-23 and San Diego Comic-Con 2017, and some fans have already seen the leaked version online, but they want to know when Marvel will officially release it online.

During an interview at SDCC, one of the directors, Joe Russo, discussed when the footage forAvengers: Infinity War will be released.

"You know, all I can say is that when the footage comes out we want it to be exactly right," Russo said. "So we are taking our time and working on that footage because, as you can imagine, the levels of visual effects in these movies are unprecedented and there are certain things in this footage at Comic-Con that works specifically for a Comic-Con audience. But when we go wide, to a wide audience, we have to make sure that footage works for a wide audience."

"So we’re hard at work on that right now," Russo added. "I’m not going to give a timeline on it because I want to surprise people but, you know, hopefully, they’re patient with us.”

So there's still no time window for the firstAvengers: Infinity War trailer but between now and its release date next May, Marvel still has a lot of time to release multiple trailers for the film. The footage they revealed at the two conventions looked great, so I don't see why they're holding it back. Are they planning to add something in the first trailer? Hopefully, they won't cut any of the awesome footage in the final version of the film.


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