In “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” we learn that HYDRA has been tracking potentially powered people for years with Project Insight, even having Stephen Strange on their radar well before he traveled to Karmar-Taj and learned about the mystic arts. They had already tried to take out Captain America in the 1950s, and, if our last theory is correct, then they tried to take out Iron Man too. With even more heroes on the radar, HYDRA decided to take out all their threats at once, using S.H.I.E.L.D. to assemble the Avengers.

 In the Marvel One-Shot, “The Consultant” we see Jasper Sitwell (now known to be a HYDRA double agent) further push the Avengers to assemble. After the events of “Thor,” HYDRA worked with Loki to arrange the Chitauri invasion in New York and sent the Avengers in, only to launch a missile straight toward them. Then, even though Nick Fury ordered against it, a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. (read: HYDRA agent) carried the missile in anyway with a jet.

That's a crazy fan theory,  isn't it? Let's us know your opinion in the comments!


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