2015’s Ant-Man established when Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) took over Hank Pym’s tiny shoes, but that’s not to suggest the suit was ever out of action. In fact, Reddit userThe_Last_Castoff actually goes as far as to suggest that Ant-Man has been a part of every Marvel movie to date – only, we couldn’t see him. The idea that Pym (Michael Douglas), working outside of S.H.I.E.LD., has fought alongside The Avengers this whole time has caused quite the positive commotion online, and supplied a conspiracy that kind of holds up against the cold light of logic.

Obviously, the odds of this being confirmed are slim to none, as is the proof to support it, but the unprovable idea remains a fun one for fans of the pint-sized Avenger. Despite his dislike for all things Stark, Hank Pym is undoubtedly the kind of dude who would suit up if the entire world was in peril. And given Lang’s two consecutive appearances in the suit, it looks as the though Castoff’s theory will continue on.


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