Fun Facts!- Marvel Heroes (Part I)


●his creation was inspired by Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde as well as Frankenstein
●has been a member of the Defenders, Pantheon, Horsemen of Apocalypse, Fantastic Four, Warbound, & S.H.I.E.L.D. as well as the Avengers!
●has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from Caltech!
●unwittingly turned his cousin into She-Hulk after giving her an emergency blood transfusion!
●once separated from the Hulk, Banner led a taskforce to capture him!
●once worked as a casino enforcer named Mr. Fixit!had twin sons, Skaar & Hiro-Kala, with Caiera from the planet Sakaar!
●also has a daughter named Lyra with an alternate reality Thundra!
●has fought with the likes of Thor, Wolverine, Thing, Spider-Man, Juggernaut, Dracula, and even Superman!

Doctor Strange:
●had a brother named Victor and a sister named Donna!
●has been a member of the Defenders, Secret Defenders, Midnight Sons, the Order, Avengers, and the Illuminati!
●owns countless artifacts including the Book of the Vishanti, the Ring of the Ancient One, the Eye of Zartra, and the First Tarot Deck!
●is married to Clea, making his nemesis Dormammu his uncle-in-law!
●the Orb and Eye of Agamotto can be seen in Odin's Vault in the Thor movie!
●Jeffrey Combs was set to play him on screen in a 1992 film that eventually became Doctor Mordrid!

●has a healing factor derived from Wolverine's!
●has a romantic relationship with the cosmic entity Death!
●once had his DNA merged with Cable's!
●once had various severed body parts merge together to form an evil duplicate of himself!
●has been a member of Weapon X, Frightful Four, Defenders, Heroes for Hire, Agency X, X-Men, Deadpool Corps, X-Force, & the Thunderbolts!
●was once cursed by Loki to look like Tom Cruise!
●always dodges to the left according to Taskmaster!

Captain America:
●can run a 40-yard dash in 3.82 seconds!
●once wore an armoured suit designed for him by Iron Man to overcome his then-deteriorating Super-Soldier serum!
●was briefly turned into the werewolf known as Capwolf!
●was once in a relationship with former Serpent Society member Diamondback!
●has been chairperson or leader of the Avengers the most times out of all members!

Black Widow:
●was not the first Marvel character to be named the Black Widow - that was Claire Voyant!
●was once arranged to marry Soviet test pilot Alexei Shostakov who became the Red Guardian!
●while in a relationship with Daredevil they were the first unmarried couple to live together in comics!
●has been a member of the KGB, SHIELD, Avengers, Champions, Defenders, Lady Liberators, Heroes for Hire, & Thunderbolts!
●is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and various other languages!
●is a trained ballet dancer!

Black Panther:
●was the first black superhero in mainstream American comics!
●holds a Ph.D in Physics from Oxford University!
●was once married to Storm but their marriage was annulled after the Avengers vs X-Men conflict!
●was voiced by Keith David (Nick Fury in Marvel Heroes) in the Fantastic Four animated series!


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