One of the big criticisms of the MCU so far has been an unwillingness to kill off any big players for reals. Pepper Potts fake died. Nick Fury fake died. Loki fake died twice. They might just be saving the big hero death for the big finale of the first three phases in “Avengers: Infinity War.” Our first clue is in Tony’s vision in“Avengers: Age of Ultron.” He sees all the Avengers dead, but he specifically focuses on Cap, whose shield lies broken beside him.

Later in the movie, Scarlet Witch gives Steve a vision of himself finally getting that dance with Peggy who says, “The war’s over, Steve. We can go home.” Could this be Steve finally at peace? On top of all this, Chris Evans only has one movie left in his contract with Marvel and there’s been no discussion of renegotiating, unlike Robert Downey Jr. who just signed on for more. Kevin Feige has stated that they can’t reveal the title of “Avengers 4,” because it will give away the ending of “Infinity War.” Could that suggest that the title might be “Avengers: Fallen Son,” the storyline that killed Cap in the comics?

Let us know what you think about this in the comments!


  1. nahh.. they will die at first but they will revive i guess i depends on director and writer but hope they are still in stand together and hope quicksilver will return when doc strange and witch will time travel


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