Nick Fury seems to always have plans within plans, and backup plans for his backup plans. Is he just the world’s greatest tactical strategist, or is he hiding a superpower of his own? One theory suggests that Nick Fury has the gift of precognition. Let’s look at the facts. He puts together a team of superheroes right before aliens invade New York. He has secret underground bunkers in case of attacks. He has a program to bring people back from the dead, conveniently before his favorite agent is killed. He even has secret helicarriers built. That’s a lot of government funds that are going to seemingly ludicrous things.

It’s not just insanely good preparation though. In “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Fury shows up at Hawkeye’s farmhouse mere hours after the Avengers, when only Barton knew where he was flying. He also seems to know everything about the situation with Ultron despite the fact that he hasn’t been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for quite a while at this point. Speaking of faking his own death, he had that highly unlikely scenario prepared pretty much right on the spot when he needed to go into hiding in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”


  1. Good type up of Screenrant's 10 marvel theories video............


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