9 reasons why Captain America is the worst Avenger

Captain America is the brave and fearless leader of the Avengers.

Tony Stark might pay for everything and make everybody look cool, but it’s really Steve Rogers that keeps everyone together.

Sure, he’s a man out of time, still pining for his lost love Peggy Carter…

And his relationship with the Winter Solider (the man formerly known as his best friend Bucky) is still messy and complicated…

But no matter what’s going on with him he’s all about the greater good.

Everyone loves Cap and his righteous, sassy, handsome self and here’s why it’s driving us nuts.

1. He’s so brave it makes our hearts hurt and we can’t stand it.

2. He’d happily kiss you while climbing out of a moving car. You can’t get that in real life. What a show off.

3. He has a mega-watt smile and it’s torture to look at. Ugh, just stop.

4. We’re jealous about the fact he has AWESOME, SUPER-POWERED friends and it’s just the worst.

5. We don’t have a ride as sweet as his.

6. He can fight off multiple dudes without breaking a sweat. Big deal.

7. Is he serious right now?
He need a bigger T-shirt. Or don’t. We’re not fussed.

8. He’s agile as all hell. More agile than we’ll ever be.

9. And he’s a dab-hand at flirting and we kinda wish he’d flirt with us. Cap’s the worst.

Just stop being awesome, okay?

Tell us what you think about this. Write it in the comments!


  1. so much hate and jealousy?

  2. This is jealousy yaar....get over the fact tht he is freaking awesome and politely cocky person...if u knw wt i mean

  3. Captain America is the best because he knows better the world


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