Why Marvel Won't Let Tom Holland Read The Avengers: Infinity War Script?

The Spider-Man: Homecoming star has caused a lot of grief for the Marvel marketing machine and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, who keep a famously tight lid on plot secrets and details to build up anticipation for their growing slate of movies. It’s gotten so bad that Marvel is not allowing Holland near the Avengers: Infinity Warscript for fear of him ruining their 10 years of work and 16 films building up to the climactic crossover movie.

A day after Holland accidentally spoiled Marvel’s plans to bring back the Marvel One-Shots, he revealed to the Toronto Sun that he has no clue as to the plot in Avengers: Infinity War. Because Marvel won’t show him the entire script.

“I don’t know anything about it or what it’s about. I know who the villain is, but that’s it. They don’t let me read anything because I’m so bad at keeping secrets.”

To be fair, it’s not unusual for actors in big blockbusters to only be given the pages that concern their characters, but Marvel is probably taking extra precautions with Holland, whose loose lips have probably gotten him in trouble a couple times — though he doesn’t seem as scared as his fellow MCU castmates who avoid spoilers to an annoyingly vague degree.

Marvel has long learned that Holland can’t be trusted with any information regarding long-term MCU plans, after he let slip that Spider-Man: Homecoming was only the first in a planned trilogy of Spider-Man films, following up with a nonchalant non-apology, “Well, now you know. Sorry, Marvel, whoops!” At least he didn’t stun Feige on camera with an unheard-of piece of news, like when Amy Pascal dropped the bomb thatVenom and the other Spider-Man spin-offs would take place within the MCU.

At least Holland can get away with it because he’s cute, he’s in a critically acclaimed Spider-Man film (read our review here), and he’s the face of Marvel’s biggest comic book character — sorry, Iron Man.

Still, even though he knows little about Avengers: Infinity War, Holland could not dish out enough praise for the third Avengers film, and Spidey’s second encounter with the Avengers since Captain America: Civil War. Holland teased:

“It’s going to be the biggest movie of all time. Believe me; no one is ready for this movie.”

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters May 4, 2018.


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