11 Amazing Facts From Marvel Movie

1. The ship in Guardians of the Galaxy is called Milano after Peter Quill’s childhood crush, Alyssa Milano.

2. In every Phase 2 Marvel movie, there's a scene where someone gets their hand or arm cut off. It started as an unintentional tribute toStar Wars, and then became intentional.

3. Tom Holland found out he’d be playing Spider-Man through looking on Instagram.

4. An astrophysicist worked on Doctor Strange by advising on science and philosophy.

5. The soundtrack for the first Guardians of the Galaxy is only the second ever soundtrack to sell over a million copies digitally (the first is Frozen).

6. At first, some of the people overseeing the movie thought putting in '70s music would alienate kids watching the film.

7. They had to use ramps in Thor: The Dark World for kiss scenes between Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth because of their height difference.

8. Pre-Avengers, Mark Ruffallo was actually considered to play Hulk in The Incredible Hulk.

9. The “catch up” list Captain America carries with him in The Winter Soldier isdifferent for different countries.

10. Because the characters of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch belong to the X-Men franchise as well as the Avengers one, they can’t be referred to as mutants, or have their dad Magneto referenced in Avengers: Age of Ultron. So in the film they’re both called “enhanced” and the story of their creation is changed.

11. Before appearing in Doctor Strange, Rachel McAdams was considered years ago for Pepper Potts in Iron Man, but declined.

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