10 Facts You May Not Know About Marvel Movie

1. Chris Evans turned down the role of Captain America twice before accepting it, because he initially wasn't comfortable taking on that level of commitment and fame.

2. Iron Man director Jon Favreu insisted that Robert Downey Jr star in it, despite the suggestion being turned down at first.

3. Joss Whedon initially wanted there to be a second villain in Avengers Assemble as he wasn't sure Loki was a big enough villain to go against that many characters. He changed his stance when he realised "it’s about how he gets in their heads – it’s going to be fine".

4. There’s a reference to Black Panther in Iron Man 2, as Wakanda is shown on the map in the background.

5. Both Chris Hemsworth and his brother Liam auditioned for the role of Thor.

6. And Alexander Skarsgård also auditioned for the part, and got as far as even trying on the costume.

7. Jeremy Renner was helped by Olympic archers to prepare for playing Hawkeye.

8. Early drafts of Avengers Assemblefeatured Wasp instead of Black Widow.

9. Dave Bautista had to spend three to five hours every day in makeup for Guardians of the Galaxy to transform into Drax, but they got this down to 90 minutes during the sequel.

10. Marisa Tomei (Aunt May) and Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man) dated years ago! They were still friends after, and she said he recommended her for the role of Aunt May.

Tell us which you didn't know from this! Write it in the comments!


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