A New Threat Emerges

I'm willing to admit that this is a long shot but what if Thanos is defeated by the timeAvengers: Infinity War wraps up and another even more dangerous villain makes their presence felt in the closing moments of the movie? Marvel Studios has seemingly been making a lot of behind the scenes deals with Fox lately so I would not be at all surprised if Galactus - played by Peter Dinklage - appeared right at the end to devour a weakened Earth.

Now, Josh Brolin has already confirmed that he'll be back in Avengers 4 but that could easily be in a supporting role of some sort similar to what happened to Thanos following the events of the Infinity Gauntlet comic book. I wouldn't expect this to lead to the debut of the Fantastic Four but Galactus arriving in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is at least somewhat possible. Well, probably not but a bit of wishful thinking never hurt anyone!


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