Marvel Reveals The Members of 1,000,000 B.C. Avengers

There will be a new version of Avengers that will debut in the 50-page Marvel Legacy issue, written by Jason Aaron with art by Esad Ribic. Ahead of its September release, Marvel Entertainment has revealed the members of 1,00,000 B.C. Avengers in a series of press releases this week. You can check out images (via THR) of artist Mike Deodato below. They show the members of the pre-historic super team, featuring new (very old) versions of characters like Black Panther, Phoenix, Iron Fist, and Ghost Rider.

Marvel's executive editor Tom Brevoort described the issue as "the starting gun to a bevy of mysteries, secrets, and revelations that will reverberate across the Marvel Universe in the weeks and months to come." The creative team is telling a story that lasts from mankind's origins through the future of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

No additional story detalis have been released. The issue will launch in stores on September 27.


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