Obadiah Stane Was Supposed To Survive In IRON MAN; Sounds Like The Villain Could Still Return

Jeff Bridges was one of the best parts of Iron Man as the villainous Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger, but like most of the bad guys in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he was killed off at the end. However, the legendary actor has now revealed that the original plan was for Stane to vanish at the end of the movie, something which obviously would have left the door open to him returning down the line.

Based on comments from the Kingsman: The Golden Circle star, though, it sounds like Marvelmay still bring him back. At least, that's what they told Bridges all the way back in 2008 during shooting!

"In the original script they were supposed to open my suit after, and I was gone!" he reveals."But then, no. I read the scene we were shooting, and they said, ‘No, you’re dead.’ And I said, ‘Oh…’ Then they said, ‘Well, it’s a comic! Maybe you’ll come back!’ I don’t know." It's not a surprise that Marvel changed their minds, especially as Iron Man didn't have a finished script and made it up on the fly!

If Iron Man gets another movie, would you like to see Iron Monger make an unexpected return?


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