You May Not Know This Things About Wasp!

Original name: Wasp
Name: Janet Van Dyne
Counterparts: Wasp (MC2); Wasp (Ultimate); Wasp (Zombie); Wasp (Earth-267). Human species
Profession: Adventurer, President of Van Dyne Industries, Member of Newell Industries Council, Formerly Fashion Designer, Screenwriter
Place of Birth: Cresskill, New Jersey, United States
Place of Death: New York City, New York, United States Marital
Status: Divorced, deceased
Known Relatives: Vernon van Dyne (father, deceased), Bertram (uncle), Ruth (aunt), Jennifer (cousin), Henry J. Pym
Affiliation Group: Mighty Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Avengers Base of Operations: Avengers Mansion, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States, An apartment in Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States, A farm in Cresskill, New Jersey, United States.

Janet van Dyne was a rich heiress daughter of the world-renowned Vernon Van Dyne. On one occasion, he would accompany his father to visit the celebrated biochemist Henry Pym to ask him if he wanted to collaborate on a project to detect signs of intelligent life in space, using gamma rays. Pym would decline this offer because he was far from his field. When meeting Henry Pym, Janet, immediately fell in love with him and the fact that it resembled the scientist's late wife greatly allowed them to begin a romantic relationship. Van Dyne went ahead with his project and several days later managed to throw lightning through hyperspace, connecting with the planet inhabited by the Kosmosians, an intelligent non-humanoid race.

Pilar, a criminal from that world, would use the lightning to teleport to our planet and thus evade the justice of their world. Upon his arrival he would kill Van Dyne to get rid of an annoying witness who could communicate with his pursuers, then escape to ravage the city. Janet would discover her father's corpse and, not knowing what to do, would ask Henry Pym for help. This would investigate the situation in his identity of Man Ant and, touched by the fortitude of Janet and its desire to avenge its father, would indicate to him that it contacted Pym.

 When Janet stated that she not only wanted to avenge her father, but also to devote the rest of her life to fighting crime and injustice, Pym would reveal her secret identity, proposing to undergo a certain operation that would transform her into a superhuman being of her companion in the fight against evil, accepted delighted. Based on his recent experiments on wasps, Pym would graft a few insect cells treated genetically in the back and forehead. He would then teach him to use the Pym particles he had discovered which provided him with the method to decrease in size and return back to his normal stature. As he shrank, wasp wings fluttered from his back and antennae on his forehead that allowed him to communicate with the insects.

 After putting on a special suit Henry would provide, the two would start their superhero career with the identity of Man Ant and the Wasp. The first mission of the pair would be to look for the alien criminal. Shortly before her confrontation with her father's killer, Janet would confess to her new friend that she was falling in love with him. Pym, despite being more emotionally inhibited, was also falling in love with her. During one of their adventures, the Ant Man and the wasp joined Iron Man and Thor with the intention of catching Hulk, turned into an involuntary pawn of Loki. Once captured the villain, the Ant Man would suggest that they could be grouped continuously to fight crime. Everyone accepted the suggestion and it was the Wasp who would baptize the new group, thus founding The Avengers. Pym could contain the Pym particles in special capsules that he and Janet could take when needed, including ones that allowed him to reach up to six meters in height. But so many changes in size were negatively affecting his metabolism and decided to withdraw from the fight against crime as increasingly dangerous.

Janet would agree to retire with him and both would publicly abandon the Avengers. Later, Henry Pym and Janet van Dyne discovered that Namor was heading for New York City and they decided to alert the Avengers, with such bad luck that Janet was taken prisoner by Attuma and the Collector. In order to help his companions to rescue her, Pym would put on a new suit and adopt the identity of Goliath. By that time, their bodies had assimilated the Pym particles and could change of size at will. Once rescued the Wasp would decide to remain in the Avengers.


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