The Killer Of Thanos Has Been Revealed And It’s Not An Avenger

Avengers Infinity War is the biggest and the grandest event of a Superhero Team up we have ever seen. It is shaping to be a Superhero movie on a scale so big that we have never seen something like this before. It will be the culmination of everything that has come into existence ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe began with Iron Man.

The movie is bringing in almost all the mainstream actors who are playing various characters in the MCU and this would be the first time we are going to see such a huge roster of A-List Actors of Hollywood together in a single movie. Infinity War and Avengers 4 will feature the main big bad that was being set up since the first Avengers, The Mad Titan, Thanos. Thanos has made 3 brief appearances till now and we know that he is bringing something really huge and catastrophic this time around.

Till now, we have made speculations about how Infinity War is going to end and we know about the Black Order being the children of Thanos along with Nebula and Gamora. One of the most exciting aspects of the movie is the Guardians joining the Avengers for this movie and with that, we will see Nebula arriving on earth. She is thelong suffering child of Thanos and GotG Vol 2 revealed a very interesting subplot of the Father-Daughter relationship that Nebula and Thanos share.

Thanos has always been cruel to her according to what we have seen till now and Nebula wants revenge upon her father. According to Nebula actress Karen Gillan, this matter will be totally addressed in the upcoming movie. Here is what she said in her interview.

“I’ve been sworn to secrecy. But I definitely think that all of what we’ve been building towards, with all the backstories between Nebula and Thanos, is definitely going to come to a head in the Avengersfilm, and she’s definitely going to confront all of those traumatic memories. I definitely think she is going to have her moment.”

This is something that has been building for a long time now and Nebula will take on a bigger role in both the upcoming movies. By the looks of it Nebula might just be playing a bigger role than just confronting Thanos for being tormented in the past. It seems that the moment that is being refered over here might just be the moment where Nebula gets her true revenge upon her father.

It will be really big of a moment if Nebula is the one who takes down Thanos because she deserves to have this much more than anyone else in the entire universe. Karen also spoke about the filming schedule of the two Avengers movies, talking about the shooting of the movie and everything. She even confirmed reshoots which will be held by the directors, Joe and Anthony Russo. Here is what she said.

“So, this is the longest shoot in the world. It’s been going since January, and it goes right up until December. And then it goes into reshoots – like immediate, more additional photography – next year. So it’s like an ongoing thing.”                                

So it is like there is still a lot of work to be done for the upcoming two movies and it looks like everything is on schedule and we are going to get the biggest movie of all time. Accoding to Karen’s interview, Nebula looks to be the possible candidate to end Thanos, but if that does not happen, here are the other possible candidates who might take down Thanos.Odin

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to explore the power of Odin and his Odinforce- a force so powerful that it could destroy galaxies and make entire civilizations obliterated. The Odinforce is only called upon in desperate times, and since Thanos trying to destroy the universe is kind of a threat, Odin may be the only one to actually take on the Titan King. Well, if Odin survives Thor Ragnarok, this could be a great possibility and something really great to witness.

Drax the Destroyer

Drax The Destroyer was destined to kill Thanos. Arthur Douglas was an earthling whose family was killed by The Mad Titan. His soul was placed into a new body by Kronos in order for him to kill Thanos. Drax has actually killed him before, ripping his heart out of his body in one instance. Would Drax finally get revenge on him? He is in a long line of people who hate Thanos, so it’s indefinite but it could be the funniest thing if Marvel does that.

Thanos Buster Armor

Iron Man has many suits designed to take on particular opponents. There is the Hulk Buster armor which was seen in Avengers Infinity War, the Thor Buster armor which tony wore when Thor went rogue and of course, the Thanos Buster armor. Iron Man could be the hero to obliterate the mad Titan King with his invincible suit. The leaked trailer did feature an upgraded Hulk-buster armor so it might turn out to be the Thanos Buster Armor. This could be the greatest thing considering Iron Man has been the biggest thing in MCU.


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