An AVENGER Is Hoping For A Solo Movie of Fellow AVENGER

In the DCEU, we saw a standalone movie on the Amazonian goddess Wonder Woman, which is putting pressure on MCU to do a movie on Black Widow who is part of “The Avengers”. In fact, the poll done by an entertainment agency Fandango at the behest of USA Today revealed that Marvel fans overwhelmingly are in favor of an independent Black widow solo movie (48%), followed by Vision (15%), Falcon (12%), Hawkeye (10%), War Machine (8%) and Scarlett witch (7%).

Moreover, Scarlett Johansson who plays the character is totally game to work on a solo movie based on Black Widow. She said in an interview with Michigan Avenue:

“I really like playing Natasha, playing the Black Widow in The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Captain America: Civil War. It’s been an interesting journey, to take a character and grow it over these years, and peel the layers back and be able to, as you do in life, grow with this person. It’s a character that’s really enigmatic and has an amazing origins story, so there’s a lot for me to play off of.”

She added that fans love her character as it’s “part of the fun of the Marvel franchise,” they discover “little references that they knew from the comics and stuff” when they piece all these movies together.

But till now the closest we have come to a Black Widow solo movie is an assurance by Kevin Feige that “We (Marvel) is committed to a Black Widow film”. This may gain traction as Chris Evans a.k.aCaptain America has come out openly in support of a movie based on Black Widow and believes it could be a great addition to the roster of movies. According to him, she has played a critical role in different Marvel films and deserves her own movie. It will be really shocking if still, it doesn’t happen given the popularity of the character and a big missed opportunity for Marvel.


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