Two Infinity Gaunlet???

In the same sequence as the aforementioned mid-credits scene ofAvengers: Age of Ultron, Thanos picks up the infamous Infinity Gauntlet, which was last seen as an easter egg in Asgard’s vault in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor. After seeing this, millions of comic book fans began to wonder, was this the same Infinity Gauntlet from Thor? And the answer, strangely, is that it’s not.

Shortly after the movie released in theaters, Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige revealed that there are, in fact, two Infinity Gauntlets in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: one right-handed gauntlet (the one appearing in the Asgardian vault) and one left-handed gauntlet (the one appearing in the Avengers: Age of Ultron mid-credits scene).

It’s a mystery as to why Marvel decided to have two Infinity Gauntlets in this cinematic universe. While it would make for an interesting story — how Thanos obtained the second gauntlet, and why there are two — all this does is present another unnecessary plot hole, simply for fan service.


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