It’s safe to say that MCU fans have high hopes for Thor: Ragnarok. The recently released trailer struck a more adventurous tone for Thor‘s next cinematic outing, while offering more humor and a bit of a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe. It didn’t hurt that the trailer also featured Thor’s “friend from work,” the Hulk, in his full Planet Hulk glory. Paired together with Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song,” the Ragnarok trailer was one of the best comic movie trailers in a long time. But what if it was even better?
THOR: RAGNAROK Gets a Hilarious Animated Parody Trailer
Via Comic Book Resources, the team behind the AOK YouTube channel has released an animated parody trailer for Thor: Ragnarok that makes the entire thing deeply silly while rewriting “Immigrant Song” into something more Thor-appropriate. It’s also a pretty accurate breakdown of the previous Thor movies and what we can probably expect from the third installment.

Plus, how could anyone not love a video that mashes up Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster with one of his most famous poses?

This parody also made us realize that there’s a distinct lack of Thor in Marvel’s animated lineup. While the God of Thunder has been in the most recent Avengers animated series, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor has yet to get his own animated series in the modern era. Considering the wealth of stories from both the comic books and Norse mythology to draw upon, Thor: The Animated Series is long overdue and we want to see it happen!
What did you think about AOK’s Thor: Ragnarok parody? Let us know in the comment section below!


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