Marvel Studios' Version of Ben Reilly Spider-Man Costume Revealed

Before Marvel Studios brought the world-famous webslinger into their shared superhero universe, they tooled around with various different appearances for the character's debut.

Now Marvel exec Ryan Meinerding is showing off one specific look for Spider-Man inspired by the Peter Parker clone known as Ben Reilly. The design was made for the character's appearance in Captain America: Civil War. Take a look below:

Meinerding's caption reads:
So because I can't show any new artwork right now and apparently because everyone is digging the unused Valkyrie and unused Hulk hair styles, here is a unused Spider-Man design. This was done for Civil War, which seems forever ago now. This design pass is inspired by the Ben Reilly costume which was originally designed by the awesome [Mark Bagley] for the comics! It's fun trying out different size spiders and playing with the web designs when I'm designing Spidey suits for the MCU. Head over to my Twitter where I'll have the full suit uploaded.
Meinerding's costume has some huge influences from Reilly's time as Spider-Man, not to be confused with the character's duds as the Scarlet Spider.
This costume came after Peter retired in the wake of the "revelation" that he was a clone and that Ben was the real child of Richard and Mary Parker. Of course, "The Clone Saga" was reviled by many fans at the time and Marvel quickly walked back this storyline.

It's cool to see the giant spider logo stretching across the entirety of the chest and torso. And while it might be missing the awesome wrist-strapped web cartridges from the original design, it still works pretty well. If superhero fans weren't such sticklers for source material and continuity, it would be a suitable take on the cinematic costume compared to what was used in Civil War and inHomecoming.
Meinerding's post comes in the wake of revealing his initial design on Valkyrie for Thor: Ragnarokthat was well received by fans.
We won't be getting the clone Spider anytime soon, but fans can expect to see Meinerding and Marvel Studios' take on the Iron Spider suit when Avengers: Infinity War premieres on May 4.


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