Metacritic lists iconic, Fox-owned Marvel character appearing in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’

AIW Fox featured
The cast list comes from Metacritic, the world’s second most popular (but probably best) review aggregator. They are not known for casting news, so we are taking this as nothing more than rumor at this point.
If the listing is correct, however, it could spoil a big surprise in Infinity War, so I left the character name out of the headline and will offer a first and final spoiler warning right here before continuing.
Metacritic has Silver Surfer in Avengers: Infinity War. This is surprising and questionable news for a number of reasons. First, there’s been no mention of the character appearing in the film, but that’s not a big deal, as it’s a surprise worth saving.
The bigger issue here is that the movie rights to Silver Surfer are owned by Fox. Yes, Disney agreed to purchase most of Fox, including the movie studio and thus all Marvel licenses Fox owns, last December, but that deal is still several months away from being completed. It is unlikely to be a factor in Infinity War.
There is precedent, however, for Marvel Studios and Fox to trade the rights to individual characters. Marvel Studios allowed Fox to use Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the Deadpool franchise in exchange for the right to use Ego the Living Planet in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. A similar trade could have been worked out for Silver Surfer.
Metacritic has Curt Clendenin playing the Surfer. Clendenin’s résumé consists of mostly unnamed roles, which will only add to the reasonable and healthy skepticism surrounding this rumor. If the rumor is true, then Silver Surfer is probably making a very brief, non-speaking appearance in the film, or another actor could be providing the voice.
I have reached out to Metacritic to see if they can confirm this listing is accurate and could not have been placed their via fans making an edit, like we see on IMDB. I will provide an update if they respond.
Until then, please pass the salt.
SOURCE: Metacritic | VIA: Yahoo! Movies UK


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